CCAAW 2021 was held virtually so the pictures taken during the workshop were merely screen captures.
Group Picture
Best Paper Award to Rainee Simons
Best Paper awarded for: Cognitive Circular Tapered Slot Array Antenna for Lunar Surface Communications
Went to author: Rainee Simons, from NASA Glenn Research Center
WelcomeJanette Briones introduces Marla Perez-Davis, NASA Glenn Center Director
Welcome and Introduction of Dr. Marla Perez-Davis, NASA Glenn Center Director, by Janette Briones, CCAAW Chair
Marla Perez-Davis gives opening remarks
After Dr. Marla Perez-Davis Opening Remarks, Janette Briones introduced Keynote speaker Badri Younes, Deputy Associate Administrator for SCaN.

Badri Younes spoke on Cognitive Capability Contributions to NASA’s Future Networks and Missions.

After Badri Younes answered questions, the workshop continued.
Session Chair Rachel DudukovichSession Chair Rachel Dudukovich
Later Janette introduced Greg Heckler, NASA Acting Director of the Commercial Services Office for SCaN. Greg Heckler spoke on The Role of Wideband Multilingual Terminals in NASA’s Transition to Commercial Space Communications Services.

Then further presentations:
Session Chair Dylan Gormley Session Chair Dylan Gormley
A virtual Happy Hour was held Monday afternoon at the end of the day.
On Tuesday morning, Janette Briones introduced the next keynote speaker, Dr. Julie Parish, Sandia National Lab. Julie Parish spoke on Cooperative Communication for Autonomous Hypersonics.

Session Chair Rachel DudukovichSession Chair Rachel Dudukovich
Later Janette introduced Jeff Hayes, Discipline Scientist & Program Executive, Astrophysics and Heliophysics Divisions, on detail to SCaN. Jeff Hayes spoke on Cognitive Systems in Space: a new paradigm for research.

Session Chair Marie Piasecki Session Chair Marie Piasecki